google hangout

NW Noggin & PDX3DP Lab: 3D Printing Brain Models for Students in Oregon

3D printing is very helpful when used to make teaching tools and visual aids for the classroom. When I was scrolling through my Twitter feeds recently, I came across a…

YouMagine Creates Standard 3D Printing License, Asks for Feedback of Beta Version

As some legal issues, copyright ‘discussions,’ and licensing questions begin to sprout up here and there regarding 3D printing in a community that has been mostly carefree and self-governing, it’s…

Man Helps Save Wife’s Life with 3D Printing – Now Looks to Empower Others with Free ‘3D in Medicine’ Seminar

There is nothing scarier in this world, than being told that you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. For one woman, this happened toward the…