Gigabot 3D printer
Green Fab Lab: Using the Fab Lab To 3D Print New Things From Recycled Plastics
Fab labs, growing in popularity around the globe, have a reputation for being smaller forums where the tools are provided for creative manufacturing, often centered around 3D design and 3D…
Ultra Red Technologies Builds 3D Printing Business in Nairobi Offering Design and Prototyping, Working Toward Clean Water
“We believe in the untapped potential of 3D printing.” – Mehul Shah No matter how much you follow the progress of 3D printing and learn to expect the unexpected, it…
Texas Fire Department Relies on Gigabot 3D Printer for On-Demand Parts
You might be surprised to find out just how much one fire department in Texas has come to depend on 3D printing—and why. Due to the self-sustainability and on-demand creation…