GE Appliances
MakerBot’s Thingiverse & FirstBuild Countertop Challenge: 3D Print a More Efficient Kitchen
Your home 3D printer just added another entry to its resume: It’s your newest kitchen appliance. At least, it can be if you take MakerBot’s Thingiverse, and FirstBuild up on…
MakerBot and FirstBuild Team Up to Offer the Icebox Challenge: 3D Printed Refrigerator Ideas
Have you ever stood in front of your refrigerator, just staring in? Maybe it’s a midnight snack, maybe it’s uncertainty about what to make for dinner, but there’s some holding…
GE and Stratasys to Crowdsource and 3D Print Your Innovations at FirstBuild Microfactory
And the whole world comes together at FirstBuild to make your next dreamy kitchen gadget…with Stratasys 3D printers and crowdsourced brainpower. That’s right—technology giants GE and Stratasys are getting in on the fun with a…