CT Scanning & 3D Printing Could Reveal New Dinosaur Species Inside Opalized Fossil
In order to get a closer look at, and learn more about creatures that died long ago, like dinosaurs, researchers and historians have turned to 3D printing and 3D scanning…
Reconstructing the Extinct Cave Lion through 3D Printing
The Slovak National Uprising Museum (SNP) is located in Banská Bystrica in the middle of a grassy park. The unusual building holds displays and important archival materials related to the development…
3D Printing to Help Complete Fossil That Led to New Species Discovery
You never know what you’re going to find in storage – photographs you forgot existed, clothing that’s become valuably vintage, the fossil of an extinct species that’s never been identified…
3D Printing and CT Scanning Lead to New Discoveries About Ancient Fish
The study of evolution is an ongoing one, and is rather like a jigsaw puzzle. Scientists are constantly discovering how new pieces fit into the map that shows how creatures…
Enjoy This Dead Fly Encased in a 3D Print: Is it Art, a Valuable Fossil, or Evidence of the Anthropocene Era?
Are you one of those people who swats flies to their death with wild abandon, wielding the fly swatter as a lethal weapon? Many of us are serious about ridding…
Should Scientists Reconsider the Romer’s Gap? Paleontologist Thinks So, After 3D Scanning Reveals Ancient Tetrapod Fossil Inside a Rock
Most humans enjoy something that is of great importance to our place in the natural history of the world, but that you likely don’t even think about much, unless you’re…
Ozo the Bear is the Most Amazing 3D Printed Toy You’re Likely to See
The Rubik’s Cube is the iconic 3D puzzle which sprung from the fertile mind of Hungarian sculptor and professor of architecture Ernő Rubik back in 1974. When Rubik licensed the invention to…
Giant 3D Printed Whale Fossil Now On Display At The Smithsonian
The National Museum of Natural History now has the 3D-printed fossil of a whale on display. 3D Systems is working in partnership with the Smithsonian in order to bring fossils…