disaster relief
Concrete Dreams: Construction 3D Printing for Disaster Relief
Whereas, in general, the additive construction hype is focused on houses, I’m much more focused on 3D printing money. I think that locally 3D printing mass-customized infrastructure at a factory…
US Army to Study Construction 3D Printing for Disaster Relief Structures
A $3.5 million contract will see researchers from the University of Arkansas (U of A) study the use of construction 3D printing for disaster relief on behalf of the U.S….
Rapid Response Initiative Implements 3D Printing Disaster Relief Simulation
We’ve seen several 3D printing disaster relief initiatives before, cataloged 3D printing for preppers, heard people opine how 3D printing will become an integral part of disaster relief, and seen…
How & Why 3D Printing will Become an Integral Part of Disaster Response
3D printing has revolutionised industries, ranging from fashion & sport to medical & engineering. However, this new technology has only scraped the surface of its potential. One area which is…
Contour Crafting Will Develop Concrete 3D Printer for Disaster Relief, Thanks to DoD Contract
One of the very first methods of large-scale 3D printing that the world witnessed was the technology of Contour Crafting Corporation, which uses large but lightweight robotic 3D printers to quickly put down…
3D Printed Building Initiative Just One Disaster Relief Project Highlighted at Earthquake Forum in China
3D printing has been used many times in relief efforts for natural disasters, such as earthquakes, and even preparation for and prevention of these disasters. Ten years ago in Sichuan, located…
3D Printing Comes to the Rescue in the Solomon Islands
There are still far too many places in the world that don’t have access to clean, safe water. With the development of new technology, however, that issue can be addressed,…
3D Printing of Disaster Relief Tools and Shelters, and R&D Tax Credits
As measured by the ACE index, September 2017 has become the most active month on record for Atlantic hurricanes. Category 5 Hurricanes Irma and Maria, and Category 4 Hurricane Jose…
Disaster Inspires Japanese Designers: Generative Design & 3D Printing Create Relief Effort X VEIN Drone
The benefits of drones in efforts at disaster relief are well documented. The democratic nature of 3D printing and the growing numbers of people who have been educated, either self…
Field Ready 3D Printing Much-Needed Medical Supplies for a Nepal Health Clinic
It may seem like there’s a 3D printer around every corner these days – many libraries and schools now use 3D printers, and you can even find them in bars and coffee…
3D Printing Drones Heralding New Age of Disaster Housing
When an area has been impacted by a natural disaster, after the initial rescue and emergency medical care have been addressed, the next step in any effort is to figure…
A Simple, 3D Printed Pipe Fitting Has Huge Implications for Disaster Relief
In April of 2015, a massive earthquake struck Nepal. Registering 7.8 on the Richter scale, the quake killed over 9,000 people and injured more than 23,000. Less than a month…
VA Tech Students 3D Print ‘Ant Vehicle’ for Use in Disaster Relief
There is an old joke about engineers that goes like this: Q: How can you tell which engineers are the extroverts? A: They are the ones staring at other people’s shoes….
Disaster Relief: ‘Field Ready’ & ‘Bold Machines’ Create 100% 3D Printed Prosthetic Hands & More
When disaster strikes, humanitarian aid is a high priority. This was especially true recently in Nepal, and several years ago in Haiti. These poverty stricken nations simply don’t have the…
Disaster Relief in Three Dimensions: Medical 3D Printing in Haiti
Throughout history, technological breakthroughs have been accompanied by narrow parameters for application, concerned with solving the problems at hand. This is not to say that function follows form, but that…
Power to the People — 3D Printing Being Used in Disaster Relief
Dara Dotz is a pioneer in 3D printing in troubled and sparse environments. She’s the founder of iLab Haiti, a project which brought 3D printers as part of an aid…