diode lasers


The Top 10 Things You Can Do with a Diode Laser

Diode lasers have become more and more popular among makers and hobbyists. The ability to cut or engrave almost any material is now available if you have a 3D printer…


How 3D Printing Lasers Differ from Other Lasers

3D laser printing has been a point of focus recently, with many people arguing that it has more precision than other manufacturing techniques. Let’s look at the core differences between…


New Endurance lasers

In this article, I would like to tell some interesting things about Endurance Lasers. Over the past 4 years, we have sold more than 2000 units worldwide, and our Facebook…


Upgrade Your 3D Printer or CNC Machine with Powerful Lasers from Endurance Lasers

Endurance Robots is much more than a robotics company. In addition to its build-your-own robot kits, it also sells laser equipment through its sister company Endurance Lasers, but no matter the…