dental models
Switzerland: in vivo Analysis of Intraoral Scanners for the Dental Arch
In the recently published ‘Trueness and precision of intraoral scanners in the maxillary dental arch: an in vivo analysis,’ authors Jonas Winkler and Nikolaos Gkantidis from the Department of Orthodontics…
NUS Researchers Created 3D Printed Training Models to Practice Wisdom Teeth Removal
During my senior year in high school, I completed that most loathsome of dental rituals – not braces, but having my wisdom teeth removed. My parents scheduled my oral surgery…
CT Scans and 3D Printed Model Help Kodiak the Two-Toed Sloth Fix His Smile
3D printing is often put to the test by helping out our animal friends, from furry and feathered to scaled and shelled…and now, the two-toed sloth. One-year-old Kodiak resides at Busch…
3D Printed Teeth on the Form 1+ Help Dentists and Patients Prepare for Dental Procedures
When it comes to performing surgery that will affect people’s looks, especially in an area as small and crowded as the inside of the mouth, people need some reassurance of…