Deakin University of Australia
3D Printing News Briefs, April 22, 2023: Sustainability, Coastal Erosion, & More
RadTech has launched a new UV+EB sustainability website…this story kicks off today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, followed by metal 3D printing news, as Keselowski Advanced Manufacturing acquired a Sapphire XC…
Reality or Hype: 3D Printing Improving Performance in Sports Industry?
I’m not a big sports fan, but even I’m aware of the many possible 3D printing applications, from helmets and mouthguards to surfboards and shoes and so much more. But,…
Could 4D Printing Enable the Next Generation of Soft Pneumatic Actuators?
Although 3D printing of actuators is a relatively new field of research, interest in the area has grown due to the potential applications of highly customizable, programmable, small scale actuators…
How Does Thermal Aging Impact 3D Printed Carbon Fiber Parts?
Advances in developing composites for additive manufacturing have accelerated in the last few years, with increasing research and innovation in both, desktop and industrial AM using composites, using chopped or…
Tradiebot Industries Using Augmented and Virtual Reality Technologies to Train Automotive Workforce
From midair 3D designing and undertaking immersive experiences to learning more about things like coffee and our planet, from testing out 3D digital drones and how to modify nuclear pumps to getting a closer…
Australian Exhibit Will Allow Users to Meet a Dinosaur in the Virtual World, Then Examine Its 3D Printed Counterpart
If movies have taught me anything, one of the most important lessons may have come from Jurassic Park: just because you can do something doesn’t mean that you should, and…
Inside 3D Printing Sydney: Keynote Speakers Announced, Partners with Reed’s National Manufacturing Week
3D printing has such a huge global community that it can seem daunting trying to keep up with the latest throughout the world. Thankfully, we have events like the Inside…
University Student Uses 3D Printing Technology for Snowboard Binding System
The BOA System is a proprietary closure device made of of steel lace, nylon guides and a mechanical reel and it’s used to provide closure to boots and other wearables. A…
The Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad Will Offer 3D Technology Course
There’s no question that 3D printing is revolutionizing manufacturing and will continue to do so across the globe, and at a pace that will only grow exponentially faster as innovation…