da Vinci Mini 3D printer
XYZprinting Brings the da Vinci Mini and miniMaker 3D Printers to Best Buy and Toys”R”Us, Announces Black Friday Deals
Not only is XYZprinting one of the most prolific 3D printer manufacturers in the industry, they’re also rapidly becoming one of the most widespread. No matter where you are in the…
XYZprinting Announces the Availability of the Already Award-Winning and Under $300 da Vinci Mini 3D Printer
It’s a good sign when a printer begins winning awards before it’s released. After its debut at CES 2016 in January, the tiny da Vinci Mini 3D printer from XYZprinting…
CONTEXT Report: XYZprinting Numbers Continue to Impress, Making them a Global Leader in Desktop 3D Printing
While the 3D printing industry has been steamrolling ahead long enough to see startups come and go, along with some of the titans teetering on their golden pedestals, one company…
XYZprinting Highlights a Host of New 3D Printers at CES 2016, Unveils Wearables & Robotics Too
It’s all coming up roses for XYZprinting lately–and their name is indeed popping up everywhere in the most positive of lights. This is one company that must have a pretty…