concrete 3d printing

3D Printing on Kickstarter Today: 3D Printers, Enclosures, Materials, Gadgets, Smart Mirrors and Castles

One of my favorite movies is the 1985 classic The Goonies, about a group of misfit kids, led by adorable, asthmatic Mikey, who go on an adventure to find a buried…

Dubai Future Accelerators Team Develops Inexpensive, Eco-Friendly Geopolymer Cement 3D Printing Material

Last month, the second cycle of the Dubai Future Accelerators program got underway, after a successful initial launch last summer. The program’s goal is to bring together startups and government agencies…

Filigreed Firewall is a Striking Example of What 3D Printers Can Create With Concrete

Concrete is always something I’ve thought of as functional, solid, and utilitarian, but never beautiful or artistic. You pour concrete, it hardens, and you have a good, sturdy wall or…

3D Printed Concrete Pedestrian Bridge Built in Madrid, City Representatives Call It a 3D Printing Milestone

3D printing is great for creating small things, like handheld figurines, but it’s also helping to develop and create really large objects as well, such as cars, and even houses built…

Chinese Construction Company 3D Prints an Entire Two-Story House On-Site in 45 Days

How long does it take to build a house? Obviously it depends on the size of the house and other factors, but somewhere around six or seven months is a…

To Infinity and Beyond: Dutch Architect Plans to 3D Print a House in an Infinite Loop

A Möbius strip may look simple, but it’s a mind-boggling mathematical phenomenon. It’s easy to make one – cut a strip of paper or ribbon, give it a little twist, then…

3D Printing in Concrete to Expand Substantially, Projected to be $56.4 Million Industry by 2021

Construction is one of the main areas 3D printing has been projected to impact substantially, all along. It also tends to be the example of choice for critics asking what…

Now THIS is Upcycling: UCLA Researchers Capture Carbon Emissions & 3D Print Them Into New Material, CO2NCRETE

Often, it seems as if concrete is the glue that holds the world together under our busy feet, and wheels–from the smooth driveway you backed out of this morning with…

The Jamming Phenomenon: 3D Printing with String & Rocks May Change the Face of Architecture

Just pull the string and the whole thing comes down. While that’s some highly engineered string, the concept may simplify the world of architecture and construction in terms of materials…

“Fossilized” Project Takes a Creative but Practical Approach to Concrete 3D Printing

Concrete is usually not a material that one associates with artistic expression. It’s a utilitarian material, meant to be poured and scraped, walked upon or leaned against. 3D printing, however,…

Student-Built Concrete 3D Printer Gets an Upgrade and a New 10’x10’x10′ Build Envelope

Concrete 3D printers are big business right now, with major companies in the US, China, the Netherlands and more investing in developing a large-scale machine capable of instantly fabricating large…

Texas Engineering Student Self-Funds & Builds 8′ x 8′ x 8′ Concrete 3D Printer

We’ve seen some innovative work coming from out west, famous for its vast, open spaces where industrious and progressive makers and hackers often live off grid, artists gain organic inspiration…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — April 5

The stories we didn’t cover this week run the gamut, covering announcements of new 3D scanning techniques based on built-in smartphone sensors, Stratasys’ global expansion efforts, 3D printed concrete art…

ExOne, 3Dealise & Bruil Create Enormous, Complex 3D Printed Concrete Forms

It’s an enormous 3D printer which can create an object the size of a phone booth. With a build volume of 1800 x 1000 x 700 mm, the ExOne S-Max…