
Simplify3D Announces Version 3.0 of Universal 3D Printing Software

Simplify3D Software Version 3.0 is the largest release from the company since their software was introduced in 2013, and it includes more than 40 major new features and support for…

3DPrinterOS Becomes Box Integration Partner — 3D Print Your Box Files Via the Cloud

Not only is the hardware within the 3D printing space seeing rapid change and innovation, but so are the various ecosystems, and software that run the processes required by the…

AstroPrint Adds Support for MakerBot and other SailFish Based 3D Printers

With any emerging technology, simplified and universal operating systems and software are not always going to be guaranteed. Most people who are trying to make their mark in a new…

3D Printed ‘E-mail Watch’ Filters Messages So You Can Check In or Check Out

With the advent of a highly digitized society, many of us spend our waking hours filtering information from numerous blinking, colored screens. From the smartphone that wakes you up, to…

3D Systems Announces Free 3DSPRINT Cloud Design-to-Manufacture Platform

Today has been an incredibly busy day for 3D Systems. The company not only announced a major cash acquisition of Cimatron, instantly putting them among the leaders within the CAD/CAM…

PrintToPeer, Cloud 3D Printing Service Launches on IndieGogo & Announces Partnership with 3D Hubs

Just this morning we covered a new product called AstroPrint, which aims to allow people to wirelessly 3D print objects from their tablets, smartphones, PCs, and laptops. They run on…