CEL Robox 3D printer


Wiring and Electronics 3D Printing Startup Pulls In $2.7M Seed Investment

UK robotics company Q5D Technologies Limited closed a $2.7 million seed round to accelerate the automated manufacture of wiring harness for a wide range of products, from fighter jets to…

Researchers Evaluate 3D Printed Mandibular Grafts for Effectiveness as Implants

Researchers outline findings from their recent study in ‘Analysis of biomechanical behavior of 3D printed mandibular graft with porous scaffold structure designed by topological optimization.’ Their main point is that…

3D Printing News Briefs: November 3, 2017

For this month’s first edition of 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re starting with some 3D printing education news, then moving on to business and an aerospace industry announcement. MakerBot technology…

UK Designer is Back with a New 3D Printed Animatronic Bird

Some 3D printing projects definitely grab my interest more than others. While it is always fascinating to see the ways that the technology is changing the landscape of manufacturing and…