candy mechanics
When 3D Printing Isn’t the Best Customization Option, or How Candy Mechanics Learned to Love CNC
We report on all kinds of 3D printers, including metal 3D printers, PCB 3D printers, and perhaps the most novel, food 3D printers. All kinds of food has been 3D printed,…
Celebrate the World’s Longest Reigning Monarch by Eating the 3D Printed Queen of All Lollipops
When it’s not at your expense, what could be more delightful than British humor? Hmmm…perhaps scarfing it down in chocolate form from a candy stick? We don’t think Queen Elizabeth…
Eat Your Selfie! Makerversity Members Graduate to Launch 3D Printed ‘Candy Mechanics’ Brand
While 3D printing technology may be saving lives, offering unlimited potential in innovation, and generally saving the world, nothing gets people more excited than talking 3D printed food–namely, confections. While…