Behrokh Khoshnevis
Contour Crafting Prepares for Series Production of Robotic Construction 3D Printers
According to scientific forecasts, there will be 11 billion people living on Earth by the year 2100. That’s a big population boom in a relatively short period of time, and…
Entrepreneur and Startup Advisor Andrew Weinreich Focuses on 3D Printing in Future Homebuilding for Podcast Episode
It took me an embarrassingly long time to finally try listening to a podcast: I’m a fairly visual person, and I didn’t think I would enjoy just sitting and listening…
Selective Separation Sintering: NASA Challenge Leads to an Entirely New 3D Printing Technology for the Moon and Mars
While there are many reasons to push for the development of 3D printing technology in space, the biggest reason is that shipping things to outer space is expensive – really…
When? Predictions as to When 3D Printed Cars, Homes, Organs & More Will Be Readily Available
If you are a frequent reader of, then you are probably pretty excited about what this technology will eventually mean for society as a whole. While the phrase ‘Third…
Exclusive: How Winsun Stole IP from Contour Crafting and Is “Faking” Their 3D Printed Homes & Apartments
Probably the story we receive the most emails about and residual traffic from is the one we did about a Chinese company called Winsun. Winsun made major headlines twice over…
Contour Crafting Inventor Dr. Khoshnevis: Widespread 3D Printed Homes in 5 Years, High-Rises in 10 Years
Exclusive interview with Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis: Contour Crafting machines will be available starting at around $200,000 within a couple of years. Machine is now capable of printing concrete walls, insulation and…