SavorEat’s Robot Chef: the Biggest Step Yet in Commercializing 3D Printed Food
Imagine, say, five years from now, you sit down to eat at a restaurant. There’s a machine on the table, but it’s not one of those miniature jukeboxes that, for…
3D Printed Biomimetic Blood Brain Barrier Eliminates Need for Animal Testing
The blood-brain barrier (BBB) may sound like a rating system for avoiding horror movies, but in reality it is a semi-permeable membrane responsible for restricting and regulating the entry of…
BBB Warns Customers as Seeming Kickstarter Success EZ3D Fails to Deliver on Crowdfunded 3D Printers
Crowdfunding has long offered a unique and impressive platform for startups to get off the ground — inventors with a great idea and some entrepreneurial spirit can turn to like-minded individuals…