Additive Manufacturing Users Group

AMUG Conference 2020 Promises to be the “Biggest and Best” Yet

Every year, the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG), a member-run, not-for profit corporation which works to educate, support, and advance the uses and applications of AM technologies, holds its AMUG…

3D Printing News Briefs: July 6, 2019

In this installment of 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re sharing some business news with you, along with a case study about a 3D printer farm. First up, AMUG just installed…

3D Printing News Briefs: June 25, 2019

Recently, HP released its sustainable impact report for 2018, which is the first item we’ll tell you about in our 3D Printing News Briefs. Then it’s on to more good…

3D Printing News Briefs: February 16, 2019

We’ve got business, events, software, and materials news for you in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs. MELD has introduced a new operator training course, and Protolabs is launching a range…

3D Printing News Briefs: October 20, 2018

We’re starting with some information about a couple of upcoming shows in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, followed by some business and aerospace news. Sinterit is bringing its newly launched…

Rize Introduces Digitally Augmented Parts, Enhancing Compliance and Traceability in 3D Printed Parts

Additive manufacturing company Rize Inc., headquartered in Boston, introduced its industrial Rize One 3D printer nearly two years ago. The hybrid 3D printer, with virtually no need for post-processing, combines FFF 3D printing…

DyeMansion Takes 3D Printing Color Technology to AMUG, Looking Forward to Future Events & Business in the US

Last week, the Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) held its annual conference in Chicago, where companies working with 3D printing technologies gathered for a week to talk technology. Recently, we…

Custom Prototypes Attempts to Claim AMUG Prize for Second Year with Stunning 3D Printed Stained Glass Window

I remember doing several projects in elementary school that involved “stained glass” – e.g., tissue paper dyed with watercolors, or other clever simulations. Of course, no one would ever mistake these…

EOS and UL to Offer Metal Additive Manufacturing and Safety Training to EOS Customers

You’ve probably heard the saying, “A company is only as great as its employees,” or some variation thereof. It’s a pretty obvious statement – of course the success of a…

Carbon Introduces SpeedCell, an End-to-End Additive Manufacturing Solution that Includes the New M2 3D Printer

It’s been exactly two years since Carbon appeared seemingly out of nowhere with their industry-changing M1 3D printer and CLIP 3D printing technology. The introduction of the technology altered the…

Admatec and ECN to Present New ADMETALFLEX 3D Printer at AMUG Conference

It’s been a little over two years since Netherlands-based Admatec, or Additive Manufacturing Technologies, hit the 3D printing scene with its fleet of four ADMAFLEX 2.0 rapid ceramics 3D printers….

AMUG: Between a Rock and Hard Place

Looking for a conference where you can learn more about 3D printing? AMUG would be on almost anyone’s list of recommendations. There’s just one catch though. If your company doesn’t…

AMUG Announces the Recipients of 2017 Guy E. Bourdeau Scholarship and Randy Stevens Scholarship

The last time we wrote about an Additive Manufacturing Users Group (AMUG) win, we were talking about a 3D printed 3/4 scale replica of Van Gogh’s Starry Night taking first place…

Additive Industries Announces Adoption of 3DSIM Software Tools for MetalFAB1

Metal 3D printing is the future of manufacturing/the 3D printing industry/life as we know it. By now, it comes as no surprise to hear about the explosion of metal additive…

Senvol Keeps Making Things Easier: Now Introducing Senvol Indexes

Last January, New York startup Senvol made the lives of everyone in the additive manufacturing industry significantly easier with the launch of the Senvol Database, a massive searchable network cataloging additive manufacturing…

3D Systems Celebrates 30 Years in 3D Printing and Showcases Their Renewed Focus on Industrial Applications at AMUG 2016

Embattled 3D printing industry leader 3D Systems looks to be starting off 2016 in far better shape than many insiders expected. With recent, albeit rather minor, bumps in stock prices…

3D Platform Introduces the 3DP Workbench, Which May Be the Most Convenient Industrial 3D Printer Ever

If there’s one thing that universally attracts consumers, it’s convenience. The more user-friendly, the better – as long as it’s paired with quality, of course. Desktop 3D printer manufacturers love…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — February 8, 2015

This week’s 3D printing stories we didn’t cover spans a diverse array of topics. We have the benefits of open source sharing highlighted as we can 3D print race cars and syringe…