3d printed prosthetic arm
French Maker Creates a 3D Printed, Robotic Prosthetic Hand
We love how the maker spirit has inspired a sense of global community, particularly when it involves improving quality of life in some pretty dramatic ways. One remarkable story about…
Teen Launches GoFundMe Campaign to 3D Print Prosthetic Arms You Can Control with Your Brain
Easton LaChappelle is a bit of a prodigy. At 19 years old, he’s already landed a job at NASA, and he’s part of a seismic shift in how technology is being…
7-Year-Old Boy Joins the Ranks of the Imperial Stormtroopers Thanks to 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm
Growing up as a youngster who is missing an arm can be tough at times. If it isn’t the barrage of questions that are thrown at you about your missing…
Charlie Egan’s Arm – 3D Printing Used to Make A Little Suffolk Boy A ‘Superhero’
Little Charlie Egan was born without a right arm below his elbow. It was tough on Charlie as he was unable to do certain things and was constantly bombarded with questions…
Holiday Miracle – 3D Printed Myoelectric Arm Allows Girl to Hug Family for First Time on Thanksgiving
Back in July, we covered a story about a little boy named Alex, who was the recipient of a 3D printed myoelectric arm. That arm gave him the chance to…
3D Printed Adjustable, Multi-Attachment Prosthesis Allows Boy to Play Violin, Wii, and Ride a Bike
The world of 3D printing is exhilarating with inspiration on so many different levels. Its innovations have touched the lives of so many humans, in some cases very much improving…
6 Year Old Boy Hugs Mom For First Time, Thanks to the World’s First 3D Printed Myoelectric Arm
“When he hugged me with two hands, he just didn’t let go!” Those were the words from the mother of a 6 year old boy, named Alex, who just became…
Electronic 3D Printed Prosthetic Arm is Created For a 13 Year Old Girl
The changes that 3D printing are bringing to the prosthetic market are incredible. In just the last one or two years we have seen so many amazing stories pertaining to…