3d printed museum artifacts
3D Printing and 3D Scanning Restore Intricate Artwork to Its Original Beauty
The Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, Italy is one of the most prestigious public institutes in the field, and it is home to some very old works of art…
Chinese Studio Replicates Ancient Art Through 3D Printing
It’s really quite remarkable what 3D printing is capable of in the art world. Talented artists are using the technology to create works of art the likes of which have…
British Museum Now Offers 3D Printed Replicas of Parts of Its Collection
Inspired by the work of University College London and its 3D printing project MicroPasts, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, the British Museum has been providing 3D models…
Students Use 3D Printing Technology to Interact with Ancient Greek Artifacts at Victoria University of Wellington’s Classics Museum
One of the most important rules that children have drilled into their heads before museum field trips is to not touch the exhibits. But in recent years, 3D scanning and…
3D Printing Eliminates the ‘Look, Don’t Touch’ Rule for Archaeologists, Students & Museum Visitors
It’s been well established at this point that 3D printing is making a significant impact on industry around the world, whether you delve into aerospace, medicine, or even art, fashion,…
Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site to Be Made Available to Public for 3D Printing
Museums are wonderful cultural institutions and learning opportunities, but they’re limited in their reach, only available to locals or those able to visit. 3D scanning and printing are changing that,…
Museum of Discovery and Science Welcomes Traveling Egyptian Exhibit, Featuring “Annie” the Mummy and Her 3D Printed Skeleton
One of my all time favorite movies is The Mummy…the 1999 version starring Brendan Fraser and Rachel Weisz (to all the purists out there, I’ve never seen the original with Boris…
South Korea’s Cultural Heritage is Available in 3D Printable Format from 3Dupndown
Among 3D printing’s many, many valuable applications, the preservation of history and culture is a big one. 3D scanning and 3D printing have been used to digitally preserve and even…
Maidstone Museum to Use 3D Printing to Help Reconstruct 2,500-Year-Old Mummy
Although many of the world’s ancient treasures and artifacts have been recklessly destroyed or lost in the winds of time, those that we have been fortunate enough to keep unscathed…
Classics Students at University of Canterbury Learn More about Ancient Rome through Examining 3D Printed Replicas
3D printing has begun to play a much larger role in education. While a priority nearly since the technology hit the mainstream, we now very commonly see entire labs popping…
Replicating Artwork in 3D: Is it Ethical to Reproduce Valuable Artwork Destroyed by Terrorists?
I attended a wonderful high school up on the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee. The mountain landscape and fresh air were inspiration in themselves, the backdrop for a small campus where…
The Largest Library in the World Begins 3D Scanning Its Massive Collection of Historical Texts and Artifacts
The past few years have seen a radical shift in the use of 3D scanning and 3D printing technology from museums and how they use their digital assets. Using advanced…
3D Printing Allows Visually Impaired to Experience Museums in a New Way
While there are thousands of people who have benefited from 3D printing technology, some of those who have benefited the most are those with disabilities. My favorite stories are the…
Iranian Artist Highlighted in Virtual Reality Gallery Exhibiting 3D Additivist Manifesto & 3D Models of Works Destroyed by ISIS
Dear oppressors and terrorists of the world: meet some radical artists on the other side who want to give you a run for your money, notifying you that they have…
3D Technology Enables Cleveland Museum of Art to Identify Centuries-Old Sculptural Fragment
Hindu legend says that the deity Krishna, when a storm threatened his people, lifted India’s Mount Govardhana to shield the villagers from the rain, which lasted for seven days and…
Museums and First Nations Explore 3D Printing as Mechanism for Artifact Repatriation
How valuable can something be if you can, or potentially could, make an infinite number of copies of it? This is a question that has been lurking the shadows of…
Visualizing & Exhibiting Anthropology: VCU Students 3D Scan, Print & Hand Paint Hundreds of Artifacts for Virginia Museum of Natural History Exhibit
3D scanning and printing allow us to come face to face with the future. After decades of talk about space age technologies, the wave of the future, and the technology…
Museum Exhibit Displays 3D Printed Mummies
What do sarcophagi, 3D printing, and beer mugs have to do with each other? No, it’s not a theme for a new restaurant, it’s a traveling exhibit currently in residence at…
3D Printing Gives a Previously Unidentified Dinosaur Skeleton New Life
If you work at Triebold Paleontology, Incorporated, you may already have the job that every little kid dreams of having. Triebold is a company dedicated to the preservation of vertebrate…
Conical Spear Butt of Navan: Archaelogist’s 3D Printed Replica Shows Artifact Was Actually a Horn Mouthpiece
3D printing is transforming a long list of industrial sectors, and far more–but you’d still be amazed where it manages to ‘horn’ in. As the technology is lauded for all…
Rebuilding the Rare Extinct Quagga with 3D Printing & Scanning
A quagga looked like a cross between a zebra and a horse, and though there’s debate over whether a quagga was related to the plains zebra, some authorities have described…
3D Printed 18th Century Native Tools Connect the Past and the Future
The search for a connection with our ancestors is an important part of understanding who we are today. Humans have been trying to integrate their distant past into the practice…
The Small Museum Project Reframes Cultural Experience with a 3D Printed ‘Museum in a Box’
Good, Form & Spectacle, a London design firm, spent some time recently redefining the meaning of what a museum is–and can be–during their major research project called ‘The Small Museum.’…
3D Printed Replica of 4,500-Year-Old Jōmon Venus Draws Visitors to Japanese Museum
Yamagata Prefecture in the southwest corner of Tōhoku faces the East Sea/Sea of Japan in an area bounded by magnificent mountain vistas. It’s home to the Yamagata Prefectural Museum, which holds…