3d printed math
Watch this 3D Printed Binary Adding Machine in Action
The binary number system is what runs almost all modern digital electronics and is used in several schools of higher mathematics. If you are unfamiliar with binary mathematics, it is…
Math Professors Laud 3D Printing’s Classroom Potential
It seems like mathematics and 3D printing have a natural affinity, but how do you explain this? It also seems there are as many ways to explain this as there are…
Teachers Are Using 3D Printed Manipulatives to Help Children Understand Math
It’s all about a “hands-on” approach for a group of California teachers who are using what they call “manipulatives,” toys and tools to help kids learn by doing with 3D…
The Beauty of Math! These 3D Printed Fractals Will Blow Your Mind
When I was in school, I admittedly was not a fan of mathematics. It was just something about numbers that turned me away. While my grades held up, and I never failed…