3d printed mars bases


Simulation Complete: Pioneer Crew Wraps Up Year-Long Mission in 3D Printed Mars Habitat

After 378 days of living in a Mars-like 3D printed habitat, NASA’s Crew Health and Performance Exploration Analog (CHAPEA) crew emerged on July 6, 2024, bringing with them vital insights…


Martians Wanted: NASA Seeks Volunteers for Second Mission in 3D Printed Mars Habitat

Who needs a road trip when you can join NASA on a year-long Martian staycation? Once again, NASA’s making it (almost) possible to spend your days on Mars, inviting applicants…

ICON’s 3D Printed Habitat on Earth is NASA’s Stronghold for Mars Survival

Settling on Mars in the future means withstanding radiation levels, lack of oxygen, frozen water buried under polar ice caps, and cold weather plunging as far as -220 degrees Fahrenheit,…

3D Printing News Unpeeled: NASA, ICON, MIT and Purdue

Purdue University makes a wet mixing technology that can make strain and temperature sensors out of Direct Write and FDM 3D printed parts. This could enable new functionality in 3D…

Sex, WiFi, & 3D Printing: The Secrets to Happy Robot Reproduction in Amsterdam

“…And a robot is born.” Remember that part of your heart reserved solely for fluffy kitties, furry puppies, and sleepy hedgehogs? Tell everyone to scooch over—that’s right—and make some room…

Mars Habitat Designers RedWorks Will Test Earth-Based Manufacturing Products in 2016

Last May NASA launched their Mars 3D Printed Habitat Challenge that asked teams of designers, artists, engineers, rocket scientists and 3D printing technology experts from all over the world to…

To Mars and Beyond: How RedWorks is Going to Help NASA Colonize Space

Last May when NASA launched their Mars 3D Printed Habitat Challenge teams of designers, artists, engineers, rocket scientists and 3D printing technology experts from all over the world tried their…

NASA Selects the 3D Printed Mars Habitat Challenge Finalists

As NASA focuses on their discovery of liquid water on the surface of Mars, they also took the time to officially select the three winners for phase one of their…

Colonizing Mars With 3D Printed Sfero Habitats Made from Local Materials

Back in May, NASA announced their 3D Printed Habitat Challenge hoping to find some new ideas for potentially creating workable ideas to create functional and safe living spaces suitable for…

3D Printing: The Stories We Didn’t Cover This Week — February 8, 2015

This week’s 3D printing stories we didn’t cover spans a diverse array of topics. We have the benefits of open source sharing highlighted as we can 3D print race cars and syringe…

MakerBot & NASA’s Mars Challenge, Sees Some Incredible 3D Printable Martian Base Designs

One day in the not too distant future, NASA could send the first human beings to Mars. In doing so, they will need shelter from the harsh elements, such as…