3D printed injector

Hypersonics Research Takes Flight with VELO3D Metal 3D Printers at Purdue

“Supersonic” is clearly one of the biggest buzzwords in the aerospace sector these days. Supersonic air travel is that which occurs at speeds between just above the sound barrier (Mach…


Amazon Satellites Get Boost from Aerojet Rocketdyne’s 3D Printed Rockets

In early April 2022, American spacecraft launch service provider United Launch Alliance (ULA) signed the largest commercial launch contract in history with Amazon, promising to launch 38 Vulcan Centaur rockets…

Vector Space Systems Launches Test Flight of Vector-R Rocket, Featuring 3D Printed Engine Injector

Almost a year ago, commercial launch provider Vector Space Systems, which was founded by the original SpaceX team and based in Tucson, successfully launched its P20 sub-orbital satellite prototype, featuring…

Vector Space Systems Successfully Launches Sub-Orbital Satellite Prototype with 3D Printed Injector

It was just a couple days ago that we covered the Singaporean startup Gilmour Space Technologies, which had used a unique formulation of 3D printed fuel to launch their self-made…