3d printed hands
Girl Power & 3D Printing: Middle-Schoolers Go Big, 3D Printing Prosthetic Hands for Other Kids
When the technology of 3D printing took off powerfully, laying claim to the next revolution and transformation of industry and manufacturing, it’s doubtful that many had any inkling how very…
Enable Community Foundation Formed: Donations to e-NABLE keep 3D printed hands accessible
The 3D printing community isn’t just a community in name — one of the most inspiring aspects of the maker movement has, for me, been reading about the work people…
e-NABLE Volunteers Set Sights on Full-Scale Project for 3D Printing Prostheses in Haiti
We’ve reported on the inspired and heroic worldwide feats of the volunteer-driven e-NABLE a multitude of times as they 3D printed over 700 prosthetic hands last year alone. Not surprisingly, the organization…
11 and 9-Year Old Sisters Seek Funding to 3D Print Prosthetic Hands for Needy
Probably the most inspiring stories I have read over my time writing for 3DPrint.com have had to do with the 3D printed prosthetic devices which are seemingly being printed almost daily….
RoboHand to Team With College of the Quachitas to Open Printer Farm and Mass Produce 3D Printed Prosthetics
One of the more intriguing, as well as ‘feel good’ applications of the rapidly progressing 3D printing movement, is that of Robohand. Robohand is an organization which was founded by…