3d printed estate
3D Printable Large UK House Collection Features 18th Century Architectural Details
Thingiverse is filled with all kinds of amazing 3D printable models. For example, if you are a British history or architecture buff, you’ll appreciate the Large UK House Collection from Will…
Renderings & Details Unveiled for Extraordinary 3D Printed Home in New York
Back in August of 2014, 3DPrint.com broke a story on a project originating from New York City architect/contractor Adam Kushner, and the company which he is the president of, D-Shape…
First Entirely 3D Printed Estate is Coming to NY, Including a 3D Printed 2400 Sqft House, Pool & More
New York City architect/contractor Adam Kushner begins construction of the first ever 3D printed estate, which features a 3D printed swimming pool, 4-bedroom, 2400 square foot home, and more. The…