3d printed data
Interview with Senvol’s Annie Wang on Data for 3D Printing
A few years ago when Senvol started, it sounded like what they wanted to do was boring. A database of machines and properties, yawn. Surely this wasn’t a start up…
Mission Accomplished: Majestic and Made In Space 3D Print the Internet from the ISS
Last year, search engine provider Majestic announced an ambitious goal – they were going to 3D print the Internet. All of it. From space. While the announcement may have raised an eyebrow or…
3D Printed Sculpture Showcases the Detrimental Nature of San Francisco’s Rising Housing Prices
While the Bay Area’s continuously growing tech bubble has led to a plethora of innovations for both San Francisco and the rest of the world, this boom has also caused…
Datasthesia: 3D Printed Relief Maps Give Us Information About Our World
It’s now evident that when the disciplines of industrial design and data science converge, the results take you beyond just stunning visuals: they fascinate, and teach. Thanks to the efforts…
3D Printed Tinder Profiles? Dating Gets Complicated with ‘Tinder Gems’
Back in May of 2008, I ventured onto a social networking site that many of you may recall, called MySpace. This was well before Justin Timberlake bought the social networking…
Researchers 3D Print Microscopic Light Beam Guides, A Step Towards Super Fast Computing
Recent innovations in using microscopic 3D printed guides to manipulate light carrying data give the information highway a whole new concept of speed and efficiency. What more futuristic way could…
FABMOBs Looks to Kickstarter for Support of Platform to 3D Print the Atmosphere
We live in a world full of information and data. Economics. Analysis. Numbers. Problems to be solved. It can get a little dry, to say the least. Adding visual punch…