3d printed cover
1991 Honda NX650 Dominator Motorcycle Updated with 3D Printing
While it’s not my preferred method of transportation, there’s just something about a motorcycle that screams “freedom” and beckons you onto the road. When it comes to manufacturing them, 3D…
3D Printing News Briefs: June 15, 2018
We’re covering news from the medical and automotive worlds in today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, along with a few other stories to get you into the weekend. In Taiwan, ITRI…
One-Third of GE Aviation’s New Turboprop Engine Will Consist of 3D Printed Metal Components
A new entry from GE Reports breaks down how 3D printing technology is responsible for a new era in the field of aircraft design, and GE Aviation has been along on…
OWOW! A New Age of Music: Wob, Wiggle & 3D Print Your System Case Too
Appropriately, combining music with the option of 3D printing part of the high-tech equipment is a multi-layering of creativity that certainly couldn’t yield anything but interesting–and high-quality–results. In the case…