3d printed aircraft parts
3D Printing Helps the Martin Jetpack Launch Its First Sales
Much like a transporter or a flying car, the jetpack has always been a staple in the world of science fiction. Sadly, reality has problems with strapping a rocket to…
InssTek Called to South Korea to Use Grand Teton 3D Printer to Repair Fighter Jets
Strength. That’s the first word that comes to mind when most of us think about 3D printing in metal. And expense is usually the second–but when it comes to fixing…
EasyJet To Use 3D Printing, Drones, Mobile Apps & More for Better Workflow, Happier Passengers
If you’ve ever been stuck on a runway for an hour or two–or even miserably more–while a last-minute part was replaced on your plane, or perhaps have been left waiting…
NAVAIR Has Big Plans for Additive Manufacturing: flight-critical components, explosives & more
Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR) has big plans. Obviously, as the Maryland-based organization provides the US Navy with “full life-cycle support of naval aviation aircraft, weapons and systems operated by Sailors…
China Eastern Airlines Successfully 3D Prints Airplane Parts for Boeing 777-300ER Aircraft
We’ve seen the Chinese 3D print cars, houses, and even entire apartment buildings (well sort of). They’ve 3D printed life-sized statues, and even a working air conditioning unit. When it…