3d print recycled plastic
Michigan Tech Students Give Biodegradable Plastic a Boost with Their Company, Superior Filament
There are an ever-increasing number of universities and other higher educational institutions that currently have the goal to enhance and educate students on the state of 3D printing, but only…
Symbiosis: Voodoo Manufacturing Gets Rid of 600+ Pounds of Plastic Trash by Giving it to Filabot for Recycling
It seems that we discuss one of the downsides of 3D printing more and lately: trash. This does in fact occur mainly by way of plastic—and even just one home…
Precious Plastic’s Incredible Machines Recycle Plastic, Make Filament, and More
One of our greatest ecological challenges, in my estimate, is tackling the problem of plastic waste. The Earth simply can not sustain the levels of pollution generated by a material that can…
3D Brooklyn Releases New Recycled Filament Made from Potato Chip Bags
Potato chips are a guilty pleasure for a lot of people. I hardly ever buy them, in keeping with my philosophy of “if you eat healthy at home, you can…
Project Seafood: Putting Plastic Trash Into an Ultimaker 3D Printer–Rather Than the Sea
Most of us find the statistics on trash–and the way it continues to pile up everywhere–to be horrifying. While recycling is a way of life for many, there is still…
Artist to Use 100,000 Plastic Litter Bottles to 3D Print a 12-foot Long Madonna Statue for 2016 Olympics
When it comes to pollution, one of the most detrimental issues we are dealing with as a society, besides global warming, is the massive build-up of plastic waste floating within…