3d hubs calgary
This Week’s 3D Hubs Events Take Place at a Makerspace, a Sports Bar, and Even a Gold Mine!
This week’s 3D Hubs events reveal that people are getting more and more creative about event locations. The week kicks off in Graz, Austria with the Community’s regularly scheduled meetup at Makerspace…
This Week’s 3D Hubs Pre-Holiday Festivities: Celebrate with 3D Printing Events Around the World
As we get closer to the upcoming Holidays, 3D Hubs events are picking up steam again this week as so many cities recover from the Global #3DPrintingDay. There are holiday…
It’s a Busy Week All Over the World for 3D Hubs
If you’re a 3D printing enthusiast looking to get out, socialize and learn this week, 3D Hubs has plenty to keep you busy both here in the States and all…