Ord Solutions Names Their 3D Printer the RoVa3D & Launches Kickstarter Campaign


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rova3d-logoA couple of weeks ago, we reported on a company called ORD Solutions, that had planned to launch their second Kickstarter campaign, in order to help fund the production of their second 3D printer. They were holding a contest, in order to come up with a name for their new machine, which had temporarily been given the name, “MH3000 R2”. Today, that Kickstarter campaign has officially launched, and that 3D printer now has a catchier name to go along with it.

When Ord Solutions decided to find a new name for their latest 3D printer, they elected to launch a contest where they would accept entries from anyone that could provide a suggestion. Upon opening their contest, they had hoped to receive close to 100 submissions, but to their surprise ended up having almost 1500 name suggestions submitted.

rova3d3The name that they picked, out of the nearly 1500 to choose from, wound up being the ‘RoVa3D Printer’. The winning entry belonged to a man named Jim Williams, who based the name partially on the fact that he believes the 3D printer looks very similar to that of the Mars Rover. In fact, Williams wasn’t the only one to make that connection. “Many people submitted the name Rover, because they said our printer reminded them of the Mars Rover,” explained Ord Solutions.

Joe Williams told the company that he believed that the printer brought the Mars Rover to mind, but he suggested that they use the name “Rova” because the name “has the connotation of going out into uncharted territory, as in ‘going rova’.”

Ord Solutions decided to go with this name, but they wanted to find a way to show that this printer had 5 extruders, so they got the clever idea of capitalizing the “V” in RoVa3D, as a way of displaying this, via the Roman Numeral 5.


For his winning name choice, Jim Williams has won himself a free RoVa3D printer.

The official Kickstarter campaign for the new RoVa3D printer is now live, as of today, and will run for 35 days, ending on July 28th. They have already raised half of the $25,000 CAD desired funding goal, in the several hours that the campaign has been live..

rova3d4Backers can choose the number of extruders that they wish to have their printer include. The price ranges from $1496 CAD for early backers of the single extrusion model, up to $2599 for the 5-extrusion version. Depending on how many extruders you order, that will determine how many different colors/materials that you can print with, during any 3D printing project. If you order the 5-extruder model, you can print with up to 5 different material/colors during one single print job. More details about the new RoVa3D printer can be seen in our previously article, as well as the official Kickstarter campaign.

What do you think about this new RoVa3D Printer? Have you backed it? Discuss in the RoVa3D Printer forum thread on 3DPB.com

Check out the Kickstarter video below


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