FabLab San Diego & XYZprinting to Offer Historical 3D Printing Workshop with 1:1 Student-to-Printer Ratio


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logoWhile it’s exciting to read about all the innovations and designs being sprung forth into the 3D printing world by so many new and creative makers, perhaps you have some concepts as well as preliminary designs that you would like to see in tangible, prototype form. Like many aspiring makers, you may be holding back for one reason or another from getting that introduction you really want–and perhaps need–into the world of 3D printing.

While it’s true that many of the contemporary tinkerers and 3D printing innovators who are responsible for some of today’s most mind-boggling, inspiring projects and open-source designs have never set foot in a class, it’s also true that today many of them are the ones heading up workshops.

In an industry that is so fresh and new, and still rather foreign to the educational system—despite the fact that employers in the tech and manufacturing industry are grasping at straws to find new hires with skills in 3D printing–the learning curve can be something many just contend with on their own. With 3D printing, that learning curve at your desktop can be time-consuming as well as expensive. As the community grows, though, so does the opportunity to attend local workshops, as well as many different competitions, challenges, and fun events like hackathons.

xyzIf you are going to be in the San Diego area on April 15th, you may be interested in checking out what the partnership between FabLab San Diego and XYZPrinting Taiwan has produced in the way of a one-of-a-kind 3D printing workshop.

Offered at FabLab San Diego, this is one local class you’ll want to take note of, area novices and hobbyists, as it is the first of its kind to offer a 1:1 ratio of students to 3D printers.

“This workshop has the potential to vastly expand and promote 3D printing education, application, and technology,” XYZprinting’s Jeffrey Choi told 3DPrint.com.

Meant to be an introductory workshop offered monthly after April 15th, the workshop is a great way for those interested in 3D printing to learn more about the processes involved, as well as gaining new resources regarding the medium, and meeting other 3D printing enthusiasts on the same level. Everyone who attends will not only have hands-on experience with using the 3D printing equipment at the workshop, but they will be able to produce their own 3D printed part to take home.

10592697_798540553528751_1490855083165693144_nFabLab San Diego has announced that they just received a shipment of new 3D printers that will be used at the workshop, which everyone involved is quite excited about, with the opportunity to allow each student to have use of their da Vinci 3D printer, made by XYZprinting.

FAB LAB San Diego was founded by Xavier Leonard and Katie Rast. They have now been innovating, as well as educating enthusiastic makers, in San Diego for eight years.

XYZprinting currently has offices in the US, China, Japan, and Europe. Their flagship product, the da Vinci 3D printer, is award-winning and will be featured for use at the FabLab San Diego monthly workshops. Founded in 2013, the company is backed by the substantial Kinpo Group. While they demonstrate great expertise and offer undeniable quality in their products, XYZprinting has a mission to see that 3D printing is made accessible to everyone with user-friendly, affordable equipment.

Inquiries regarding the April 15th workshop in San Diego should be directed to info@fablabsd.org online, or by calling (619) 800-0891.

Is this a workshop you are planning to attend? Do you think the 1:1 ratio will offer attendees a better learning experience? Tell us your thoughts in the Historical 3D Printing Workshop forum thread over at 3DPB.com.


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