zego robotics
ZeGo Robotics LLC Building Proof-of-Concept 3D Printer for Graphene 3D Lab, Inc.
Graphene 3D Lab, Inc. has been on a mission to see that their eponymous material finds its way to a proprietary 3D printer capable of taking its performance to the max….
President Obama Takes a Liking to ZeGo Robotics’ 5-in-1 3D Printer, Engraver, Pick/Place, Plotter, Burner
This past Wednesday, President Barack Obama held an official White House Maker Faire, where makers from around the world came to show off different things that they had ‘made’. These included…
ZeGo: Multifunctional 3D Printing Delta Robot Will Launch Monday on Indiegogo
One of the more intriguing, but less popular FDM/FFF based 3D printing methods is the use of a delta robot setup. A delta robot is a parallel robot which utilizes…