xone stock
ExOne (NASDAQ: XONE) Reports Dismal Earnings, But The News May Not Be As Bad as it Appears
If you are an investor within the 3D printing space, then these last 12-18 months have likely been a roller coast from hell for you. And although things seem to…
ExOne (NASDAQ: XONE) Delays Quarterly Earnings Report While Implementing New Enterprise Software
As if there wasn’t enough uncertainty within the 3D printing space as of late, ExOne (NASDAQ: XONE) today threw another wrench into the works as they delayed their first quarter,…
ExOne (Nasdaq:XONE) Reports Larger 4Q Loss Than Expected
While there has certainly been excitement within the 3D printing industry over the past 24 hours as Carbon3D announced a breakthrough new 3D printing technology, it’s the already established players…