Wojciech Matusik
MIT: Automated System Designs and 3D Prints Optimized Actuators and Displays to Spec
Actuators are complex devices that mechanically control robotic systems in response to electrical signals received. Depending on the specific application they’re used for, today’s robotic actuators have to be optimized…
Simulation Software and 3D Microstructure Skeletons Could Automate Materials Design
The innovative researchers at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab (CSAIL) have been focused on topology optimization for 3D printing for quite some time, which makes the 3D design process easier. Designers…
MIT CSAIL’s Interactive Robogami System Makes it Easy to Design and 3D Print Your Own Origami-Inspired Robots
For years, researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have been working with 3D printing and robotics, making robots 3D printed in one step and 3D printed…
MIT CSAIL Researchers Develop Design System for 3D Printing Topology Optimization
Whether they’re inspired by a gold beetle to 3D print a multi-material electronic device, creating programmable soft 3D printing materials for robots and drones, or making it possible to watch…
Additive Manufacturing and CAD in Focus in MIT Professional Education Course: Instructors Tell Us About New Offerings
Summer doesn’t always mean a break in educational offerings; while school may be out for the summer, through a new course offering at MIT, professionals can enter the classroom for a…