WATT Fuel Cell

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Position Paper: 3D Printing Motors and Generators to Combat Global Warming

As the world faces the urgent need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, technological innovations that offer substantial environmental benefits are increasingly crucial. Additive manufacturing (AM) has emerged as a…


3D Printing Is Key to the New Energy Space

While it’s difficult to observe from the standpoint of a subjective individual, human society is currently undergoing a fundamental transformation. Driven primarily by resource depletion and lack of deeper economic…

Pennsylvania Clean-Tech Innovator Scales up 3D Printing for Fuel Cells

Update: This article has been revised for accuracy. Known for its clean energy solutions, WATT Fuel Cell is expanding its additive manufacturing (AM) operations in Mount Pleasant, Pennsylvania. This upgrade…

Generator Leader Generac Invests in 3D Printed Fuel Cell Stack Startup

WATT Fuel Cell, a Pennsylvania-based maker of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) stacks produced with additive manufacturing (AM), announced that the company received an investment from Generac Power Systems, a…