
US Researchers Continue to Improve 3D Printed Prosthetics for Children

US researchers from the University of Central Florida and Oregon Health and Science University have come together to review the history not only of prosthetics overall in the medical field…

Limbitless Solutions Launches First Clinical Trial in the US of 3D Printed Bionic Prosthetic Arms for Children

Nonprofit organization Limbitless Solutions is on a mission to empower kids through its creative and fun, but still functional, 3D printed bionic arm prosthetics. Now the organization, which got its start at…

Researchers 3D Print Microscopic Light Beam Guides, A Step Towards Super Fast Computing

Recent innovations in using microscopic 3D printed guides to manipulate light carrying data give the information highway a whole new concept of speed and efficiency. What more futuristic way could…

6 Year Old Boy Hugs Mom For First Time, Thanks to the World’s First 3D Printed Myoelectric Arm

“When he hugged me with two hands, he just didn’t let go!” Those were the words from the mother of a 6 year old boy, named Alex, who just became…