thingiverse api
Check out Thingiverse! Two New Apps Added for MakePrintable Repairs & 3D Hubs Printing Service; New Developer Portal
What I find most exciting about 3D printing is that from your own desktop, you can make or download a design and have something new and wonderful appear like magic…
More Inviting to Design, Develop, Create: MakerBot Developer Program Offers Community Control, Apps, Tips
On Monday at Inside 3D Printing NYC, I spent one keynote trying simply to get in the door. I ended up hovering just inside — occasionally with a foot actually…
Interview with MakerBot Europe GM Alexander Hafner on 6th Generation Replicators, Innovation Centers & More
3D printing is becoming a global phenomenon, and manufacturers of 3D printers are beginning to realize this. Back in August of last year, we reported on the launch of MakerBot…