Cranioplasty Welcomes 3D Printed Molds for Reconstructive Surgery in Russia
Cranioplasty is the art and science of repairing defects or deformity in the skull. The reasons to perform this type of delicate surgery range from traumatic injuries to surgeries to…
3D Printed Models Aid Microvascular Surgery
In many societies (barring possibly societies in which women are veiled), your face is your passport to everyday interactions with others and, as such, features prominently in the creation of…
3D Printed Teeth on the Form 1+ Help Dentists and Patients Prepare for Dental Procedures
When it comes to performing surgery that will affect people’s looks, especially in an area as small and crowded as the inside of the mouth, people need some reassurance of…
Training Pediatric Surgeons Using 3D Printed Rib Cages
One of the difficulties of training new entrants into the medical field is the leap from text knowledge to hands on care. One of the ways to approach that transition…
3D Printing in China Allows Man to Regain Use of His Legs
We have seen many tremendous breakthroughs within the medical field recently, thanks in a large part to 3D printing technology. There are tremendous benefits of using this up-and-coming means of…
Chinese Man Loses Half His Skull in Fall – Doctors to Return Him to Normal with 3D Printed Titanium Mesh
It’s the greatest fear of them all, for the wives and family members of construction workers, police officers, firemen, and military servicemen. Each year, thousands of blue collar workers are…
12 Hospitals in the UK Are Using Stratasys 3D Printers for the Creation of Surgical Models Prior to Surgery
When a patient walks into a hospital on the day of a scheduled surgery, there is usually a tremendous amount of nervousness that follows. While, surgeons have been specially trained,…
3D Printing Aids Spinal Surgery in Brazil to Remove Huge Tumor & 5 Vertebrae From 12 Year-Old Girl
If you go back just 2 years, it was almost unheard of to see media coverage of 3D printing technology coming to the aid of doctors in the operating room….
Innovative Use of 3D Printed Hip Joint Changing the Surgical Norms
In 1977 Meryl Richards injured her hip in a car accident. Since then she has experienced chronic pain and disfigurement, with her left leg bone pushing up through her hipbone,…
Surgeons Perform Successful Shoulder Surgery After Practicing on 3D Printed Replica
3D Printing is quickly becoming more and more useful in the preparation of surgery. We have seen several surgeons at hospitals around the world begin to use 3D printed replicas…
Patient to Receive First 3D Printed Shoulder Prosthesis in the Netherlands
3D printing in the medical field is really beginning to hit its stride lately. Whether it is the use of 3D printing to create models for surgeons to study, using…
University of Verona Hospital Uses 3D Printed Bone Replicas to Aid in Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery
If you have ever fractured a bone, you know exactly how painful it can be, but luckily bones heal quite quickly. After wearing a cast for about 6 weeks, a fractured…
3D Printing Used to Successfully Remove Previously Inoperable Tumor in 5 Year Old Boy
3D Printing has been being used increasingly more in the medical field. Whether it is the use of 3D bioprinting, printing of prosthetics, or the 3D printing of models that…
3D-Printing Could Boost Surgery Access In Low-Income Countries
Surgical instruments made using 3D printers could provide desperately-needed equipment in developing countries at a fraction of the cost of traditional stainless steel instruments. Researchers from the University of Arizona…
Patient in Argentina Receives 3D Printed Titanium Skull Implant
3D printing is really beginning to make a huge mark in the medical field. Whether it is bioprinting of living tissue, 3D printing of models for surgeons and doctors to…
3D Printing Inventor, Charles Hull, Amazed At Advancement of the Technology
Charles Hull, the American inventor of the 3D printer, declared in an Informationweek interview that he was truly amazed at the advancement in 3D printing technologies. He said that the…
Surgeons 3D Print a Cancerous Kidney Model To Simulate Surgery
Every day it seems as if there is another amazing use for 3D printing, which emerges within the medical community. Today we hear about a 3D printed kidney. No, scientists…
3D Printed Skull Model Helps Surgeons Rebuild Man’s Face After Fall
Imagine falling four stories from a hotel, and landing flat on your face. This is exactly what happened to one 27 year old British man as he and his fiance…
3D Printed Polymer Livers Help Guide Surgeons
A few weeks ago we published an article on how a 3D printed heart model helped doctors save the life of a young child who suffered from numerous cardiac ailments….
3D Printing Helps Fix Child’s Heart, Save Life
3D printing has been creeping its way into the healthcare industry, slowly but surely, over the last few years. We have seen 3D printed human tissue, 3D printed prosthetics of…