3DplusMe Launches 24 Kiosks in LA Target Stores Today: Order Your Own 3D Printed Super-Self!
Mild(ish)-mannered editor-in-chief by day; superheroine by night! That’s me. Well, sometimes, anyway. While I do have a bachelor’s degree in theatre, and did spend a decade of my life fighting…
Weekly Roundup: Ten 3D Printable Things – 3D Printable Star Wars Gifts
After nearly 40 years you would think that Star Wars stuff would get a bit stale. But as theaters ready themselves for the seventh film in the iconic science fiction series…
This Week’s Top 3D Printable 3D Share Models: No Naked Ladies!
This week’s top 3D Share models reveal a slightly refreshing change from the world of nude jello wrestling (see last week’s article for details.) In the category of tasteful mild nudity…
3D Printed Mash-Up: Imperial Storm Mickey & Minnie Mouse from Designer Philippe Disse
When it comes to designing objects for 3D printing, there are those designers who are just getting started with the idea that they can actually turn virtual 3D models into…
Soon-to-launch 3D Printing Marketplace Goes All Out for Halloween With Unique MakerBot and UP! Plus 2 Prints
Halloween is just a few days away, and we have been seeing some really incredible 3D printed designs pop up around the internet. It should be interesting to see how…
Disney’s D-Tech Me: 3D Print Yourself As a Star Wars Stormtrooper and More
Growing up I was obsessed with Star Wars. I had Star Wars action figures, Star Wars models, and even Star Wars undies, but nothing can compare to what Disney is…