New 3D Printable Steampunk-esque Tabletop Game “Tragedy of Progress” Hits Kickstarter
One niche area where 3D printing technology has truly struck a chord is with the tabletop gaming community, and for obvious reasons. The ability to design and manufacture your own terrain,…
Made In Space Plans to 3D Print ‘Steampunk’ Ships From Asteroid Material
It’s well nigh impossible to discuss 3D printing technology in outer space without mentioning the California-based 3D printing firm Made In Space. The organization has essentially become the right hand…
Ten of the Coolest 3D Prints from Inside 3D Printing Santa Clara
Brain Fist Guy from SuperMansion The SuperMansion series being aired on Crackle is a filthy stop motion animated series starring Bryan Cranston about a world where superheroes are real, and…
This 3D Printed Steampunk-Inspired ‘Iron Man’ Prosthetic Hand Exhibits Function & Beauty
Last September, we reported on a really elaborate 3D printed Ducati 1199 Superbike model, which a man named Jacky Wan (aka Valcrow) had designed. The bike, which at the time…
The Yellow Guard Honors Hong Kong’s Umbrella Revolution With 3D Printed Figures
In 2014 the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPCSC), the Chinese legislative body, ratified extremely controversial reforms to the Hong Kong electoral system. For many in China’s largest…
This Incredible Steampunk Machine Features 3D Printed Pixels
New York City-based electrical engineer, Chris Fenton, helps design supercomputers to pay the bills. When it comes to fun, however, this imaginative maker’s forays into steampunk machines keep him both…
Steampunk Meets 3D Printing: Our Top 7 3D Printed Steampunk Designs
Steampunk is a genre that many are familiar with but don’t actually know much about. They are familiar with books, movies, and designs that are based on this steampunk genre, but are…
This Steampunk Printrbot GO by Watchmaker John Davis is the Coolest Machine You’ll See Today
Ever since science fiction author K. W. Jeter coined the term “steampunk” to describe a subgenre of science fiction, fantasy literature and art which features some aspect of the age…
3D Printing the Wimshurst Influence Machine: It’s Not Just for Mad Scientists Anymore!
Author and 3D print aficionado Jake von Slatt noticed that during the dry winter months, larger than usual amounts of static electricity were being generated each time he pulled the…