space exploration

Singapore Startup Uses 3D Printed Fuel to Launch Self-Made Rocket in Australia

The use of 3D printing technology for space exploration has grown to be quite a common occurrence. NASA has recently claimed to use specially formulated 3D printed ceramics to create…

3D Model Produced by Autodesk and the Smithsonian Institution Lets You See Inside Apollo 11’s Command Module

While the moon was officially full last night, it will still appear full, round and bright this evening – almost as though it were celebrating the 47th anniversary of the…

European Space Agency Reiterates Its Plan to Build 3D Printed Base on the Moon

For a while, the European Space Agency has been talking about the possibility of creating a base on the moon, using 3D printing for a large part of its construction. So…

Solar Powered 3D Printers on Mars? Researchers Successfully Test Feasibility of Printing Surgical Tools on Red Planet

Space exploration has always been fascinating to me. When I stop and think of just how vast our universe is, it makes me realize how small I actually am. Earth is…