Smithsonian 3D models
3D Printing News Briefs: February 4, 2020
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re covering a range of topics. First, Digital Alloys is sharing a guide on the cold spray metal 3D printing process. UPM just launched…
3D Model Produced by Autodesk and the Smithsonian Institution Lets You See Inside Apollo 11’s Command Module
While the moon was officially full last night, it will still appear full, round and bright this evening – almost as though it were celebrating the 47th anniversary of the…
The Smithsonian Uses High-Resolution 3D Scanning, Autodesk’s Ember to Reveal the Secrets of the Cosmic Buddha
The Cosmic Buddha, or Vairochana, is a life-sized headless Buddha statue that was carved from limestone in the sixth century. What makes it special is its robe, which has been…
Autodesk Memento Graduates from Beta Phase with Very Promising Start & New Name–ReMake
It’s been a while since we’ve checked in on Autodesk Memento, previously in its beta phase but already playing an integral role in some very important projects, from allowing Dr. Louise…