silk 3D printing material

3D Printing Silk to Make Scaffolds for Regenerative Medicine Research

Silk isn’t just used to make gorgeous, expensive clothing—this biocompatible, natural protein fiber is much stronger than it looks. The protein is made of 75% biocompatible fibroin, and 3D printed silk…

Ultra-Strong Spider Silk Material Shows Potential for 3D Printing

Whether you’re utilizing 3D printing technology for applications in healthcare, aerospace, or any other industry in between, the need for more advanced and functional materials remains across the board. Though you…

Fixing Broken Bones With Silk: South Korean Researchers Develop and Test Biocompatible Silk 3D Printing Material

When most people think of silk, they usually think of delicate, shimmery material that’s soft to the touch. Silk, however, is anything but delicate. A strand of silk is extremely…

Researchers Find Silk Matrix to be Potentially Superior as 3D Printing Bio-Ink

The medical world is one always attuned to looking into the future for better answers for improving and saving lives. While the layperson usually only has a general idea of…