3D Printed Prototypes Helped the Hexo+ Drone Take Action Sports to New Heights
There was so much to see at CE Week NY, that it was hard to take it all in. From multi-functional alarm clocks to tortilla toasters, there was a plethora…
ME3D Opens in Mall of America Next Week — Offers 3D Printed Mini-Me Figures
Digital photography has radically altered our lives, as many more people have cameras on their smartphones, and more people find it easier to take good quality photos. In fact, so…
CloneMe is Bangalore’s Source for High-Quality 3D Printed Selfies
Calling cards or visiting cards have been in use for at least 400 years. The footmen of aristocrats and royalty delivered elegant cards with the caller’s name and usually a…
Wait…Let Me 3D Print a Cosplay Selfie
If you have ever wanted a statue of yourself, but failed to have the foresight necessary to have become pope or queen or some sort of national hero, then you’ve…
21st Century Self-Portrait by Joshua Harker: Now you too can have your own face 3D printed
It wasn’t until the mid-15th century that artists really began to include themselves in their own artwork. An artist named Jan van Eyck is famous for creating the earliest known panel self-portrait….
ShapeIt Offers 3D Printed Video Game Characters Via Kickstarter Campaign
If video games are your thing, there are probably some games you spend more time with than others. If your game allows it, you probably customize the characters and make…
Selfies Come to Life Via 3D-Printing App, Insta3D
Taiwan-based 3D design firm, Speed 3D released its mobile phone application Insta3D in late June. Insta3D allows its users to take selfies and create realistic 3D-imaged avatars. Once a user creates…