Science Robotics

Autonomous Swarm of 3D Printed Robot Fish Could Swim Where Humans Can’t

We’ve seen 3D printed swarms of robots that are designed to pick up garbage, complete intricate production tasks, and even participate in surveillance, environmental, and search and rescue missions at…

3D Printed Origami Device Safely Traps Soft-Bodied Sea Creatures for Study

Many 3D printing applications and innovations, like self-folding objects, robots, and face masks, have been inspired by the Japanese paper folding art of origami. Now, a collaborative group of scientists…

Robot Builds IKEA Furniture Using 3D Camera, Grippers, and Force Sensors

The wonder that is IKEA has brought us many delights over the years – beautifully decorated showrooms, those tasty Swedish meatballs, and mostly easy to build furniture that, if not itself 3D…

Soft Robotic Fish with 3D Printed Components Ready for Marine Life Observation

I am always excited on the days I get to learn about the latest remarkable 3D printing innovation coming out of MIT’S Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). This…

Creator of 3D Printed Sea Slug Robots Works to Organize Nascent Organismal Engineering Field

When is the last time you thought about the many amazing capabilities of the California sea slug? I’m going to guess it’s been quite a while. The squishy creature is…

MIT’s Mediated Matter Lab Develops Mobile, Autonomous Robot and 3D Prints Large Dome Structure in Hours

3D printing has revolutionized how we manufacture things today, from the smallest nanostructures to the tallest buildings. One institution that always seems to be right in the thick of the…

Meet the Bat Bot: Aerial Robotics and Biomimetics Research Result in Caltech’s New Autonomous Drone

Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…Batman! In my humble opinion, this is how that phrase should really go; Superman has always been a little…