World’s Best Preserved Merck’s Rhino Gets 3D Printed Backup
In May 2016, a construction team in Poland was working on the initial stages of building a highway, when they stumbled across a skeleton. According to Dr Krzysztof Stefaniak from…
Sculpture Design: Bringing Prehistoric Beasts to the 21st Century With a Fusion of Art and Science
From a very young age Konstantinos Fais had two passions: Art and History. Born and grown up in the city of Ioannina in northern Greece, he started the thorough study…
Ancient Cephalopods Swam Vertically, 3D Printed Replicas Reveal
There are multiple examples of 3D printing, 3D scanning, and other related technologies being used to help shed light on, and answer questions about, creatures that walked this planet long…
3D Printed Fossil Replicas Reveal Ancient Megalodon Was Even Bigger
A few years ago, researchers from the University of Florida conducted a case study about their National Science Foundation-funded program iDigFossils, featuring curriculum on subjects like evolution and climate change and using…
Cretaceous Bird Fossil: Researchers Use 3D Technologies to Reveal Beak Developments
An international team of researchers led by Ohio University (OU) Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine Professor Patrick O’Connor announced the discovery of a Late Cretaceous crow-sized stem bird from Madagascar…
MIT 3D Scanning Solution Uses Low-Cost Kinect to Produce High-Resolution Imaging of a Tyrannosaurus Rex Called Sue
Anyone who thinks that the lion is king of the beasts obviously hasn’t taken a good luck at a Tyrannosaurus rex lately. However, since the T. rex has been extinct for…
Should Scientists Reconsider the Romer’s Gap? Paleontologist Thinks So, After 3D Scanning Reveals Ancient Tetrapod Fossil Inside a Rock
Most humans enjoy something that is of great importance to our place in the natural history of the world, but that you likely don’t even think about much, unless you’re…
Italian Paleontologist Turns to Materialise to Help 3D Print Trilobite Fossils
Although—in the grand scheme of things—3D printing is a relatively new technology in the eyes of humanity, that certainly doesn’t mean that it can’t be used to recreate some of…
Letting Dinosaurs Roam in their Natural Habitats with 3D Technology
It is hard to find anybody who didn’t find dinosaurs interesting at least at some point, whether a passing fancy as a child or a lifelong career as a paleontologist,…
3D Printing Gives a Previously Unidentified Dinosaur Skeleton New Life
If you work at Triebold Paleontology, Incorporated, you may already have the job that every little kid dreams of having. Triebold is a company dedicated to the preservation of vertebrate…
PaleoPrint 3D Fossil Printing Looking for a Kickstarter Push
Paleontology, the study of what fossils can tell us about the ecology of the past and about evolution, now incorporates facets of biology, geology, ecology, anthropology, archaeology, and computer science….
Studying the Fossil Record Using 3D Technologies and Reality Computing
If you lived in Scotland over 410 million years ago, you might have seen a creature called a trigonotarbid, a member of a now extinct group of arachnids. Assuming, however,…
130,000 lbs Dinosaur, Dreadnoughtus, 3D Scanned, and Miniature Versions Being 3D Printed
Q: How do you study a 130,000-pound dinosaur? A: Any way it wants you to. We have seen numerous ways in which 3D technology has assisted in the research, documentation,…