museum of natural history
3D Printing News Briefs: February 4, 2020
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re covering a range of topics. First, Digital Alloys is sharing a guide on the cold spray metal 3D printing process. UPM just launched…
3D Printing Technology is For the Birds: Abyssinian Ground Hornbill Gets 3D Printed Prosthetic Beak
While iterative 3D printing technology is helpful when making 3D printed prosthetics for humans, it’s also been used to give many of our feathered friends a new lease on life….
Turning Artifacts into Ornaments via 3D Printing Technology
Each and every day, I am amazed by the new uses I discover for a technology that most of us have only begun to recognize in the last a couple…
American Museum of Natural History Assigns Students Clever 3D Scanning & Printing Dinosaur Project
This summer, students used 3D printing technology to re-create the skeleton of a dinosaur at The American Museum of Natural History in New York City. Rather than studying the bones…