Mimaki 3DUJ-553 3D printer
Mimaki’s Mark Sollman Dives into Full Color 3D Printing
Mimaki’s color 3D printing technology definitely has the wow factor, but how will the company grow in 3D printing? And how will it try to grow its market? Product Manager…
Facial Recognition and 3D Printing Collide
Olaf Diegel, Professor of Additive Manufacturing at the University of Auckland, is well known for his 3D printed guitars. He and his students conduct many more experiments and projects, however….
Marketiger Using PostProcess Technologies Solutions for Full-Color Mimaki 3D Printed Parts
Dutch 3D printing service Marketiger is different than most, as it doesn’t simply focus on mass production or small-scale printing, but instead offers both. Obviously it starts at the beginning…
3D Printing News Briefs: February 4, 2020
In today’s 3D Printing News Briefs, we’re covering a range of topics. First, Digital Alloys is sharing a guide on the cold spray metal 3D printing process. UPM just launched…
Mimaki’s Minecraft Challenge Winner Receives 3D Printed Model of City Design
Minecraft is a game open to—and enjoyed by—individuals of all ages around the globe. Offering infinite worlds, adventures, weather, and landscapes to explore, Minecraft was created by Swedish designer Markus…