military drones
US Army Demonstrates Latest 3D Printing, 3D Scanning, Drone Technologies
There are many military applications for 3D printing, from manufacturing grenade launchers and body armor to building drones and customizing military meals. Last year, the US Army released a report detailing its…
3D Printed Drones Impress Evonik and Continue to Prove Real-World Utility
Chemical company Evonik, like many other chemical companies, saw the opportunity there is in 3D printing and began manufacturing materials for the technology along with its other products a while ago,…
Pentagon to Deploy 3D Printed Mini-Drone Swarms for Surveillance and Attacks
Although most of their innovative creations and plans are usually kept undisclosed, the military complex and defense industry have noticeably benefited from the rise of 3D printing technology. In the…
Was the Use of a Bomb Disposal Robot to Kill the Dallas Shooting Suspect the First Drone Strike in the US?
The hastily assembled Black Lives Matter protest held in downtown Dallas yesterday was a textbook example of how a protest should be handled. It was peaceful, focused, well-organized and the…