metal 3d printer

ReaLizer Unveils Their New SLM 125 Metal 3D Printer

There is little doubt that competition is heating up within the metal additive manufacturing space. The number of companies and new machines entering the market is sure to spark innovation,…

Revolutionary? Aurora Labs Reveals Their S1 Metal 3D Printer For Under $4,000

After reading the title of this article, many of you probably are thinking that this post must be some kind of extremely early April Fools joke. After all, most laser…

MatterFab Reveals Their Affordable Metal 3D Printer, ‘An Order of Magnitude Cheaper’

Metal 3D printing is the Holy Grail of additive manufacturing. Unlike with other materials that can be printed, metal enables manufacturers to create end-use objects via 3D printing, objects which oftentimes…

U.S. Navy Air Warfare Center Seeking 3D Metal Printer

Approximately two months ago the United States Navy installed the very first 3D printer on board the USS Essex, Wasp class amphibious assault ship. The printer was able to print in…

17-Year-Old Creates Affordable 3D Metal Printer – Hopes to Launch Kickstarter Campaign

Materials, materials, materials. When it comes to 3D printing, the biggest improvement that most in the industry wish to see, is the ability to print in more materials. Currently, most…

French Man Has Developed a 3D Metal Printer for Just 600€: Capable of printing in steel, titanium and more

With today’s technology, we have seen some major progress being made within the 3D printing space. Within a couple of years, we have seen 3D printers go from being priced…

Need a Chair? Now You Can 3D Print One at Home Thanks to Joris Laarman

Who says that 3D printers are only for making small objects such as toys, spare parts, and chess pieces? Artist Joris Laarman and several others are changing this philosophy. Laarman,…