Maker Faire 2015
Raise3D Sets the Bar High with the N Series 3D Printers at Maker Faire
In just a few short years Maker Faire NY has transformed from a stepchild to Maker Faire San Francisco to flagship status, perhaps even becoming a larger festival than the…
Deltaprintr Makes a Splash at Maker Faire with the Delta Go
With all the 3D printer projects on Kickstarter these days touting almost unbelievable features and prices it’s easy to become a little skeptical. When some of those companies take exceedingly…
3D Printed Hubs are the Centerpieces of Visually Stunning Geodesic Dome Shade Structures
There’s no better, more direct metaphor for the work that Michael Gates and Toby Vann of Archimedes Design do than the hub. It’s both the literal center or core of…
Light Play: A 3D Printed Robot Army Commanded by Movement
In sentences I hadn’t really anticipated writing today, if you’ve always wanted your very own robot army, you’ve come to the right place. Especially if your ideal robot army is…